The Role of Firearms in Home Defense


Firearms play a significant role in home defense for many individuals who acknowledge their responsibility to protect their loved ones from potential threats. The decision to own a firearm for home defense is influenced by various factors, including personal safety and the effectiveness of firearms in deterring crime. This guide explores these elements and more to provide an understanding of the role firearms play in home defense, and what that means in practice.

Historical Perspective on Firearms for Home Defense

The use of firearms for home defense has deep roots in our great American history, stemming from the colonial era when settlers needed to protect themselves from threats in the wilderness. This tradition was carried forward through the establishment of the Second Amendment, which emphasizes the right to bear arms as a means of ensuring personal and communal security. Historically, firearms have been viewed in America as essential tools for defending one’s home and family, a perspective that continues today.

Effectiveness of Firearms in Deterring Crime

Studies have shown that firearms can be highly effective in deterring crime. According to research by Florida State University Professor Gary Kleck, there are approximately 645,000 defensive uses of handguns against persons per year, excluding police or military uses. These defensive uses often prevent crimes such as robbery, assault, and burglary. Additionally, the presence of a firearm can act as a powerful deterrent, making criminals think twice before targeting a potentially armed household. Data also indicates that armed victims are less likely to be attacked or injured compared to those who do not resist or use other forms of self-defense.

Choosing the Right Firearm for Home Defense

Selecting the appropriate firearm for home defense involves considering various factors such as ease of use, reliability, and stopping power. Common choices include:

  • Handguns: Portable and easy to maneuver, handguns are a popular choice for home defense. They are particularly useful in close-quarter situations.
  • Shotguns: Known for their spread and stopping power, shotguns are effective for incapacitating intruders quickly with less penetration than many other options, an important consideration in cities or neighborhoods.
  • Rifles: Rifles offer precision, power, often a higher magazine capacity, and if we are talking about the AR-15, better accuracy with follow-up shots due to the lower recoil than handguns or shotguns. Rifles are especially helpful in situations where longer-range engagement might be necessary, there are multiple threats, or a threat needs to be stopped with maximum speed.


Each type of firearm has its advantages and limitations, and the best choice depends on the individual’s comfort level, training, and specific home defense needs.

Training and Proficiency: Key to Effective Use

Owning a firearm for home defense comes with the responsibility of being proficient in its use. Regular training is crucial to ensure that firearm owners are ready to handle their weapons safely and effectively under stress. Your training should typically cover:

  • Safe Handling Practices: Ensuring the gun is always pointed in a safe direction and handling it with the assumption that it is always loaded. It never hurts to be reminded of safe handling practices even if you’re an expert.
  • Marksmanship: Developing the accuracy and speed of your shooting. This is often done under ideal conditions, but the real world is rarely ideal and we recommend safely introducing stressors into your marksmanship when you are ready to do so. Consult with an expert firearms instructor in your area, ideally one with real-world, career experience.
  • Scenario-Based Training: Practicing in simulated home defense situations to build muscle memory and decision-making skills. Proficiency with a firearm not only enhances the ability to defend oneself effectively but also reduces the likelihood of accidents and improper use.

Legal Considerations for Home Defense Firearms

Owning and using firearms for home defense comes with significant legal responsibilities. Laws regarding the use of firearms in self-defense vary widely by state and locality, and it is crucial for gun owners to be familiar with these regulations. Key legal considerations include:

  • Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground Laws: Some states have laws that allow individuals to use deadly force to protect their homes (Castle Doctrine) or even outside their homes without a duty to retreat (Stand Your Ground). Understanding these laws can help homeowners know when they are legally justified in using a firearm for self-defense.
  • Duty to Retreat: In contrast, some states require individuals to attempt to retreat from a threat if it is safe to do so before using deadly force.
  • Reasonable Force: The use of force must be proportional to the threat faced, as judged by a ‘reasonable person’ at the time of the incident, knowing what the user of lethal force knew at the time and according to local laws governing reasonable force. 
  • Aftermath and Legal Defense: Even in justified cases, the aftermath of using a firearm in self-defense can involve extreme legal scrutiny, including police investigations and civil lawsuits. It is highly advisable to have legal support and be aware of the legal process following a defensive gun use​.

Case Studies: Successful Use of Firearms in Home Defense

Case 1: Lance Thomas 

In the early 1990s, Lance Thomas, a watch shop owner in Los Angeles, became widely known for his series of successful self-defense actions using firearms. Over a span of several years, Thomas was involved in four separate gunfights with armed robbers attempting to rob his shop. In each incident, Thomas defended himself and his property with his legally owned firearms, resulting in the death or incapacitation of the attackers. These incidents highlighted the potential effectiveness of firearms in deterring crime and protecting one’s business and life.

Case 2: Joe Horn

In 2007, Joe Horn, a resident of Pasadena, Texas, shot and killed two burglars who had broken into his neighbor’s home. Despite being advised by the 911 dispatcher to stay inside, Horn confronted the burglars with a shotgun. The case was controversial due to the circumstances, but a grand jury ultimately decided not to indict Horn, determining that his actions fell under Texas’s “Stand Your Ground” law.

Case 3: Sarah McKinley 

In 2012, Sarah McKinley, a young widow in Blanchard, Oklahoma, defended her home and infant son from an intruder armed with a knife. McKinley called 911 and asked for permission to shoot if the intruder broke into her home. When the man forced his way inside, she shot and killed him with a shotgun. 

Common Myths and Misconceptions about Firearms in Home Defense

There are several myths and misconceptions about using firearms for home defense that can influence public opinion and decision-making:

  1. Myth: Guns Are More Likely to Be Used Against the Owner: One common belief is that a gun kept for self-defense is more likely to be used against the owner. While this can happen, studies have indicated that defensive uses of guns are frequent and often prevent crimes.
  2. Myth: Only Experienced Shooters Should Own Guns: While experience is beneficial, proper training can make even new gun owners proficient and safe in handling firearms for home defense.
  3. Myth: Guns Are Too Dangerous to Have at Home: With proper storage, safety measures, and training, firearms can be safely integrated into a household without posing undue risk.
  4. Myth: Calling the Police is Always the Best Option: While law enforcement response is crucial, having a firearm can provide immediate protection during the critical moments before help arrives.

Pros and Cons of Various Firearms for Home Defense

Different types of firearms each have their advantages and disadvantages for home defense:

  1. Handguns
    • Pros: Easy to handle and maneuver, especially in tight spaces; can be quickly accessed; suitable for close-quarter situations.
    • Cons: Requires training for accurate use; less stopping power compared to shotguns and rifles.
  2. Shotguns
    • Pros: High stopping power; wide spread reduces the need for precise aiming; effective at close range.
    • Cons: Larger and heavier; more difficult to maneuver in tight spaces; higher recoil.
  3. Rifles
    • Pros: High accuracy and stopping power; effective at longer ranges.
    • Cons: Potential for over-penetration; more difficult to maneuver indoors due to their larger size​.


Firearms can be a vital tool for home defense, offering immediate protection against intruders and potential threats. For those considering adding a firearm to their home defense plan, Red Arrow Weapons provides a range of reliable and high-quality options to meet diverse needs. Our firearms are designed for superior accuracy, reliability, and ease of use, making them an excellent choice for home defense. Visit our website to explore our selection and enhance your home defense strategy responsibly and effectively. Stay safe and secure with Red Arrow Weapons. Shop now and ensure your home is protected with the best in self-defense weaponry.